Vagabjorn Travels
A wandering bear.
Chasing the sweet life.
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Looking for a public speaker? Get in touch for an inspirational talk!
I've got a story for every occasion and adapt my presentation to fit with the events, topics and audience. Below you will find a list of some public speakings I have done earlier:
January Onwards: Regular Presentations on Various Topics as a Lecturer for Hurtigruten
October 18th: “Lessons from visiting Every Country in the World, Kulturhuset, Hjelmeland
October 14th: “Lessons from visiting Every Country in the World, Garborg Center, Bryne
October 12th: “Lessons from visiting Every Country in the World, Sølvberget, Stavanger
October 11th: “Lessons from visiting Every Country in the World, Sølvberget, Rennesøy
October 11th: “Lessons from visiting Every Country in the World, Sølvberget, Finnøy
March 30th: Book promotion “Grenseløs” and travel talk at Chillout, Stavanger
March 29th: Book promotion “Grenseløs” and travel talk at Nord Café, Kristiansand
March 28th: Book promotion “Grenseløs” and travel talk at Deichmann, Oslo
March 27th: Book promotion “Grenseløs” and travel talk at Nikkers, Lillehammer
March 23rd: Book promotion “Grenseløs” and travel talk at Digs, Trondheim
March 22nd: Book promotion “Grenseløs” and travel talk at Tapp og Kork, Molde
March 21th: Book promotion “Grenseløs” and travel talk at Dampsentralen, Ålesund
March 20th: Book promotion “Grenseløs” and travel talk at Studenthuset Rokken, Volda
March 15th: Book promotion “Grenseløs” and travel talk at Biblioteket Bar, Bergen
March 14th: Book promotion “Grenseløs” and travel talk at Stødden, Haugesund
Limited public speaking due to restrictions
March 22nd 2022: Presentation at a conference at Næringslivsuken, Bergen, Norway
March 9th 2021: Presentation at a conference called BI Inspire, Oslo, NorwayDecember 19th 2020: Presentation about travel and stereotypes, TEDx Baghdad
September 12th 2020: “Naive, Reckless Tourist?” TEDx Stavanger
May 17th 2020: May 17th (National Day) Speech, Øyposten Finnøy
May 6th 2020: Presentation About Ethiopia, Finnøy Pensjonistlag2019
December 20th: The World is safer than you think, Nord Helikopter, Vigra/Ålesund
December 19th: The World is safer than you think, Jærhagen Klepp
December 18th: The World is safer than you think, Stødden, Haugesund
December 17th: The World is safer than you think, Lilland Hotell, Tau
December 16th: The World is safer than you think, Kaihuset Finnøy
December 10th: The World is safer than you think, No 18, Stavanger
December 9th: The World is safer than you think, Landsbypubben, Randaberg
December 2nd: The World is safer than you think, Svalbard Bryggeri, Longyearbyen
November 28th: The World is safer than you think, Flyt Café, Tromsø
November 25nd: The World is safer than you think, Røverdatter, Bergen
November 22nd: The World is safer than you think, Det Grøne Treet, Volda
November 21st: The World is safer than you think, Klatreklubben, Ålesund
November 20th: The World is safer than you think, Tapp og Kork, Molde
November 19th: The World is safer than you think, Bar å Sånn, Kristiansund
November 18th: The World is safer than you think, Nomaden, Trondheim
November 15th: The World is safer than you think, Nikkers, Lillehammer
November 14th: The World is safer than you think, O’learys, Fredrikstad
November 13th: The World is safer than you think, Ås Stasjon, Ås
November 12th: The World is safer than you think, Chillout, Moss
November 11th: The World is safer than you think, Nomaden, Oslo
November 9th: The World is safer than you think, Saxon King, Horten
November 7th: The World is safer than you think, Gulating, Tønsberg
November 6th: The World is safer than you think, James Clark, Sandefjord
November 5th: The World is safer than you think, Karjolen Pub, Porsgrunn
November 4th: The World is safer than you think, Madam Reiertsen, Arendal
November 1st: The World is safer than you think, Østsia, Kristiansand
October 31st: The World is safer than you think, Libris Farsund, Farsund
October 30th: The World is safer than you think, Grand Hotell, Egersund
October 29th: The World is safer than you think, Thime Station, Bryne
October 29th: Book release, Café Go Nok, Stavanger
April 13th: Travels in Central Asia, Ottohuset, Finnøy
April 3nd: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Håndverkeren, Kr.Sand
April 2nd: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Ovenpaa, Stavanger
April 1st: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Cafe Flyt, Tromsø
March 28th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Kilroy Office, Trondheim
March 27th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Theaterfabrikken, Ålesund
March 26th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Kilroy Office, Bergen
March 25th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Kilroy Office, Oslo
March 21st: PATA: Travels in Central Asia, Chillout, Oslo
January 31st: Travels in West Africa, Chillout, Bergen2018
September 27th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Kilroy Office, Oslo
September 26th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Nikkers, Lillehammer
September 25th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Onkel Oscar, Steinkjer
September 19th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Cafe Flyt, Tromsø
September 17th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Sydøst, Bodø
September 12th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Kilroy Office, Tr.heim
September 11th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Christians, Kr.sund
September 10th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Banken, Ålesund
September 7th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Det Grønne Treet, Volda
September 6th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Quality Hotel, Sogndal
September 5th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Kilroy Office, Bergen
September 4th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Flytten, Haugesund
September 3rd: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Ovenpaa, Stavanger
September 1st: Travels in West Africa, Ottohuset, Finnøy
August 29th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Østsia, Kristiansand
August 28th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Mør, Arendal
August 27th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Teglhuset, Fredrikstad2017
October 4th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Østsia, Kristiansand
October 2nd: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Flytten, Haugesund
September 29th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Ovenpaa, Stavanger
September 1st: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Samfunnshuset, Alta
August 29th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Cafe Flyt, Tromsø
August 28th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Cafe Kafka, Bodø
February 16th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy promotion, Plassen Kulturhus, Molde
February 15th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy Promotion, Hoffmann, Ålesund2016
August 24th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy Promotion, Cafè Flyt, Tromsø
August 23th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy Promotion, City Scene, Alta
August 22th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy Promotion, Koks, Mo i Rana
February 14th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy Promotion, Tapperiet, Molde
Febraury 13th: Travel Inspo/Kilroy Promotion, Hoffmann, Ålesund